2023 Perseids

It’s been a long time since I watched the Perseid meteor shower, let alone attempted to take any pictures. Weather, the Moon, and a general disinterest have been the major reasons. The weather and lunar phase this year, however, promised a good viewing night, so some friends and I sat out until the wee hours of the morning to watch them. The Perseids did not disappoint.

Out of the dozens that I saw, only two showed up on camera. They’re pretty, though!

A short, bright, colorful Perseid meteor. The silhouette of the roof of a shed is in the foreground.
A bright, Perseid meteor.
This meteor is moving from upper-left to lower-right in this image. The “dot” on the lower-right is a star. The Pleiades cluster is visible near the bottom, and the bright “star” on the right is Jupiter.